Case Study Questions Class 10 Science Chapter 7 Control and Coordination

CBSE Board Exam is on the way, so you must practice some good Case Studies and Passage Based Questions of Class 10 Science to boost your preparation to score 95+% on Boards. In this post, you will get Case Study Questions Class 10 Science Board Exams.

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In CBSE Class 10 Science Paper, Students will have to answer some questions based on Assertion and Reason. There will be a few questions based on case studies and passage-based as well. In that, a paragraph will be given, and then the MCQ questions based on it will be asked.

Control and Coordination Case Study Questions With Answers

Here, we have provided case-based/passage-based questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 7 Control and Coordination

Case Study/Passage-Based Questions

Case Study 1: Control and coordination are vital processes in living organisms that enable them to respond to their environment and maintain internal balance. In humans, the nervous system and the endocrine system work together to carry out these functions. The nervous system consists of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves, and it transmits signals through electrical impulses. The endocrine system, on the other hand, consists of glands that secrete hormones into the bloodstream, which regulate various bodily functions. The coordination between the nervous system and the endocrine system ensures the proper functioning of different organs and systems in the body. The nervous system allows for rapid responses, while the endocrine system enables long-term regulation. Understanding control and coordination helps us comprehend the mechanisms behind reflex actions, voluntary actions, and the response to external stimuli.

What are control and coordination processes responsible for?
a) Maintaining internal balance in living organisms
b) Regulating bodily functions
c) Transmitting signals through electrical impulses
d) All of the above
Answer: d) All of the above

Which systems work together to carry out control and coordination in humans?
a) Nervous system and immune system
b) Nervous system and respiratory system
c) Nervous system and endocrine system
d) Nervous system and digestive system
Answer: c) Nervous system and endocrine system

What is the role of the nervous system in control and coordination?
a) Secreting hormones into the bloodstream
b) Transmitting signals through electrical impulses
c) Regulating various bodily functions
d) Maintaining internal balance
Answer: b) Transmitting signals through electrical impulses

What is the role of the endocrine system in control and coordination?
a) Transmitting signals through electrical impulses
b) Regulating various bodily functions
c) Maintaining internal balance
d) Carrying out rapid responses
Answer: b) Regulating various bodily functions

What is the advantage of the coordination between the nervous system and the endocrine system?
a) Rapid responses
b) Long-term regulation
c) Reflex actions
d) Voluntary actions
Answer: b) Long-term regulation

Case Study 2: To carry out a simple function such as eating food there has to be coordination of the eyes, hands, and mouth. The eyes have to focus on the food, the hands have to pick it up and take it to the mouth where it will be chewed. All these actions have to be coordinated in such a manner that they follow a particular sequence and the action is completed. A similar mechanism is also needed for internal functions of the body. This function is carried out by the nervous system. It is composed of
(a) Specialised cells which can detect, receive and transmit different kinds of stimuli. These are called neurons.
(b) Nerve fibres which are certain bundles of extended processes of nerve cells.

The individuals also have to adjust to the changing conditions around them and vary their responses. At the same time, the internal conditions of the body should be maintained constant. This is called homeostasis. The internal conditions of the body are maintained at a constant by controlling the physiology of the organisms.

(i) What will the correct sequence in which conduction of information through nerves take place?
(ii) How homeostasis is said to maintain the equilibrium of the body?
(iii) What function does the central nervous system perform?
(iv) What happens when the dendrite tip of a nerve cell receives a signal?

Answer: (i) Dendrites → Cell body → Axon → Nerve endings at the tip of axon → Synapse → Dendrite of next neuron (ii) Homeostasis helps in keeping the constant internal environment within a cell or a body and hence maintains the equilibrium of the body. (iii) The central nervous system is comprised of the brain and the spinal cord which process the information received from the receptors on/in the body. (iv) Upon receiving a signal, the dendrite tip of a nerve cell sets off a chemical reaction which creates an electrical impulse in the them.

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