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NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science – Latest Solutions

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science – Looking for NCERT Solutions for Class 6th science? Then this is one stop for you as we have provided complete NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science subject. With the help of these free pdf solutions you can prepare for the exam better. The NCERT textbook for Class 6 science is designed in a way to give a strong foundation to the students for the science subject. The solution provided on this page are well structure and prepared in such a way that is easy to comprehend by the students. CBSE Class 6th science syllabus includes topics from all three sections which are physics, chemistry and biology. There are 16 chapters in the NCERT book and covers the following .

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NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science

Some Important Definitions / Notes for Class 6 Science

In class 6th, science is basically all about the definitions, diagrams. However, it is important that a students should be well versed with the terms as you will come across them in the higher classes too. Hence, it is important that a student should not only mugg up these definitions but understand their meaning too.

Below we have provided some key definitions and important notes which will shall help you better in the exam.

Important definitions in Chapter 1

Nectar: The juicy sweet liquid secreted by within flowers which is sucked by bees and is made into honey by them.

Sprouting: The process by which seeds shoot out small white structures as way of growth is called Sprouting.

Cellulose: It is a substance that is found in the cell walls of a number of plants. It is an indigestible fibre and is found in grass.

Enzymes: It is defined as a chemical substance that helps in bringing about changes to certain other substances without undergoing any changes in themselves.

Important notes for Chapter 2

In the table below, we have briefed the type of vitamin, their sources, funations and deficiency diseases.

Vitamin TypeSourcesFunctionsDeficiency Diseases
Vitamin ALeafy green vegetables, oranges, carrots, Pumpkin, Soy, Sweet potatoesForms and helps maintain bones, skin, tissue and teethColor blindness, night blindness- poor visibility at night.
Vitamin B1 (thiamine)Dried herbs, sunflower seeds, whole grain cereals, sesame seeds, brown riceEnables cells to turn carbohydrates into energyBeriberi-  loss of appetite, loss of weight.
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)Almonds, Asparagus, bananas, green beans, wheat bran, dried spicesMaintains Body growth and RBCs i.e. Red Blood CellsSkin disorders, Cheilosis-breaking of lips
Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin)Mutton, fish, beef, lobster, clams, eggs, oysters, crabHelps in maintenance of central nervous system and RBCsPale skin, lack of RBC, Less stamina and less appetite.
Vitamin CFresh herbs, cauliflower, papaya, oranges, strawberries, guavaPromotes healthy gums and teethScurvy i.e. gum disease (gingivitis).
Vitamin DSunshine, Mushrooms, liver, fish and eggsNecessary for the healthy development of bones and teethRickets and Osteomalacia – weakening and softening of bones.
Vitamin ESoyabean oil, red chilli powder, pine nuts, apricots, green olives and cooked spinachHelps in processing vitamin K and formation of RBCsMuscle weakness and transmission problems in nerve impulses
Vitamin KGreen leafy vegetables, Soyabean oil. Essential for blood coagulationExcessive bleeding from wound. 

Likewise, for minerals, you can find the overview of their functions, deficiency, etc from the table below.

Mineral TypeSourcesFunctionsDeficiency Disease
CalciumTofu, Dairy products, Salmon, Cabbage, Kale and BroccoliEssential for efficient functioning of nervous system and healthy bonesWeak bones,  lower than normal bone density and stunted growth
PhosphorousLean meats, grain and milkEssential for the maintenance of acid-base balance in bodyLoss of appetite, bone fragility, muscle weakness, poor physique
IodineGreen leafy vegetables, Seafood, iodised saltFormation of thyroid hormoneGoitre- Enlargement of thyroid gland, mental disability.
SodiumTable salt, celeryHelps keep control on blood pressureNausea, irritability
IronWhole grain, eggs, leafy vegetables and meatsEssential for haemoglobin formation in rbc.Anaemia – weakness, fatigue, shortness of breath

Important Definitions in Chapter 5

Churning: It is the process of shaking milk or cream in order to allow lighter particles to come to the surface to make butter.

Pure Substance: It can be defined as a substance composed of only a single type of particle.

Impure Substance: An impure subsatance is known as a substance which is composed of more than one type of particles.

Sublimation: It is a process by which a solid directly gets converted into vapour.

Magnetic Separation: It is another method of separation in which metals (and other articles which are attracted to a magnet) are separated from a mixture with the help of a magnetic or by applying a magnetic force to it.

Important Definitions in Chapter 7

Stomata: The small microscopic pores present on the leaf through which exchange of gases and transpiration takes place are identified as stomata.

Annuals: These are plants like wheat and maize that complete their life cycle in one season and then die. Common example are usually herbs.

Biennials: Plants like carrots and radishes that complete their life cycle in two seasons.

Perennials: Plants like guava and palm that continue their life cycle for more than two seasons, i.e. they manage to re-grow every spring.

Aerial roots: Roots of plants and trees that grow above the ground instead of under the ground.

Preparation Tips for Class 6th Science

Here we have listed down some of the important tips for the students preparing for the science subject:

  1. It is advised that you should make a note of important formulas and law.
  2. Make notes of the topics as you study as it has been observed that you tend to learn and understand more as you write. Furthermore, it will also help you in your revision.
  3. Prepare for diagrams and flowchart at the end of every topic.

All NCERT Solutions for Class 6

We are giving the subjectwise solution of NCERT Class 6 books. They will find chapter wise solutions for each subject which can be downloaded.

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