Extra Questions of Class 10 Social Science Civics Chapter 2 Federalism PDF Download

We have provided you with Extra and Important Questions from Class 10 Social Science Civics Chapter 2 Federalism. This Extra and Important Questions will help you to score 100% in your Board Exams. These extra questions will be helpful to revise the important topics and concepts.

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Federalism Class 10 Important Questions with Answers Civics Chapter 2

Extra Questions for Class 10 Civics Chapter 2 Very Short Answer Type

Question: What is federalism?

Answer: Federalism is a system of government under which power is divided between a central authority and its various constituent units. The various constituent units and the central authority run their administration independently and do not interfere unnecessarily in the affairs of one another.

Question: What is Unitary Government?

Answer: Under the unitary system, either there is only one level of government or the sub units are subordinate to the central government.

Question: Name any two examples of coming together federation. [CBSE 2014]

Answer: USA and Australia.

Question: Name any two holding together federation. [CBSE 2014]

Answer: India and Spain.

Question: What is a Union List?

Answer: Subjects of national importance like defence, foreign affairs, atomic energy, banking, post and telegraph are included in the Union List. Only the central government can pass laws on the subjects mentioned in the Union List because we need a uniform policy on important or national issues throughout the country. The Union List has 97 subjects.

Question: What is a State List?

Answer: It comprises those important subjects on which the state government can pass laws. Subjects like police, local governments, trade and commerce, agriculture within the state are included in the State List. The State List has 66 subjects.

Question: What are Residuary Powers?

Answer: Matters which are not included in the division of powers, are known as residuary powers. It was felt that there can be subjects which are not mentioned in either of these lists. The central government has been given the power to legislate on these ‘residuary’ subjects.

Question: Name an Indian state which enjoys a special status.

Answer: Jammu and Kashmir.

Question: What are Union Territories?

Answer: These are areas which are too small to become an independent State but which could not be merged with any of the existing states.

Question: Who governs the Union Territories?

Answer: The Union Government.

Question: What is Zila Parishad?

Answer: All the Panchayat Samiti’s or Mandals in a district together constitute the Zila Parishad.

Question: Who is a Mayor?

Answer: He is an elected Chairperson of the Municipal Corporation.

Question: Which law will remain prevalent if there is any conflict over a subject mentioned in the Concurrent list?

Answer: The law passed by the Union Government will prevail.

Question: How many languages have been recognised as scheduled languages?

Answer: 22 languages.

Question: Which two languages have been identified as the official languages? [CBSE 2014]

Answer: English and Hindi.

Extra Questions for Class 10 Civics Chapter 2 Short Answer Type

“Federations are contrasted with unitary governments”. Explain by giving examples from Sri Lanka and Belgium.

Answer: Under the unitary system, either there is only one level of government or the sub-units are subordinate to the Central government. The Central government can pass on orders to the provincial or the Local government. For example in Sri Lanka is a unitary country and the Union government passed a new law stipulating that the state shall protect and foster Buddhism. Whereas under federal system, the Central government cannot order the State government to do something. State government has powers of its own for which ‘ it i’s not answerable to the Central government. Both these governments are separately answerable to the people.

Which is the highest tier of the Panchayati Raj ? Explain its composition.

Answer: The highest institution of the Panchayati Raj in rural areas is the Zila Parishad. The Zila Parishad coordinates the activities of all the Block Samitis in the whole district. Most members of the Zila Parishad are elected. Members of the Lok Sabha and the MLAs of that district along with some other officials of other district level bodies are also its members. The Zila Parishad’s Chairperson is the political head of the Zila Parishad.

What is a Concurrent List?

Answer: The Concurrent List comprises of the subjects which are of common concern both to the centre and the state governments. Ordinarily both the central and the state governments can frame laws on these subjects. However, if there is a conflict between the central law and the state law, over a subject in the Concurrent List, the central law would be effective. This List includes subjects like criminal and civil procedure, marriage and divorce, education, economic planning, trade unions etc. The Concurrent List has 47 subjects.

What is a Panchayati Raj? What is its importance?

Answer: The rural local government is known as the Panchayati Raj.


  • It helps the people to directly participate in decision-making.
  • It helps in the decentralisation of power.
  • It reduces the burden of the central government.

What is Gram Sabha? Mention its functions.

Answer: Every adult of the village who is 18 years of age constitute the Gram Sabha.


  • It is the decision-making body of the entire village.
  • The village Panchayat works under the supervision of the Gram Sabha.
  • It approves the annual budget of the Gram Panchayat.

What are the advantages of local governments?


  • Constitutional status for local government has helped to deepen democracy in our country.
  • It has also increased women’s representation and voice in our democracy.
  • This allows people to directly participate in decision making.
  • Local people have better ideas and knowledge about the local problems.

Mention any four difficulties of the local government in India.


  1. Most states have not transferred significant powers to the local governments.
  2. There is a shortage of resources.
  3. Elections are not held regularly.
  4. The Gram Sabhas are not held regularly.

“There is a need for power sharing within the states”. Explain.


  • A vast country like India cannot be run only through these two-tiers. States in India are as large as independent countries of Europe. In terms of population, Uttar Pradesh is bigger than Russia, Maharashtra is about as big as Germany.
  • Many of Indian states are internally very diverse. There is thus a need for power sharing within these states.
  • The third tier is also required to principle of decentralisation of power.

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